Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Vizier

So I made a quick stop today to see Ryan at my local Warhammer store, shout out to The District.
I picked up the new WD and a Farseer.

The WD had a great preview of things to come, I would show some stuff off but it is better as a surprise I think. It also came with two posters (Bonus for my bare walls in my studio)! I am excited for the Magic supplement and the living spells. Loads of conversion and count as potential for themed armies. Artifacts and magic boosts depending on what realm your army hails from or is fighting in is also a nice touch. It's just adding a whole new layer to the game and army dynamics.

I haven't forgotten about my Sorcerer rebuild, but I just couldn't contain myself. I feel that the best work is done when it is not forced. Currently I have a couple hurdles with the Sorcerer, like finding the right head. So I will occupy myself with another character of sorts!

This guy will be loosely based on the Vizier from the Golden Voyage of Sinbad.

On a side note, this film and many other films featuring Ray Harryhausen's movie magic is what I grew up watching and what lead me to pursue an art degree. He paved the way for many others such as Stan Winston, Gentle Giant Studios and Tim Burton.
Tim Talks Golden Voyage

I would also like to point out that this model will be based on another, of course I wouldn't have gone down this path without his blessing. Shout out to Hagen @ for the green light and also the constant inspiration. Seriously, check his stuff out. Characterful conversions and fantastic painting that grounds them in reality.

So this guy is more than likely going to be a wizard, or maybe one of those new Evocator SCE? Either way, the best thing about this concept is the unusual mix of bits. Any time you can use something from 40k and insert it into AoS or vise versa is an intriguing choice, especially when it seamlessly blends. I especially like that I can use the Kharadron head and invoke the same thing as a Stormcast without it being one with a sculpted beard.
  • Kharadron Overlord head I personally like head #2 but the first head has a nice center 'jewel'
  • Skitarii Princeps Body (chest @ shoulder armor)
  • Eldar Farseer arms & torso
  • Staff top undecided
  • Legs undecided, more than likely parachute pants
I am debating boring out the eyes to make it look more like a SCE or give the impression it is more a helmet, or I could just paint the eyes.. Also think I should add a lip & gap for the mouth. But I will need to remove the filters.
The Farseer body is ideal for this conversion for several reasons. He has a great pose, loads of bling a vizier would have, a sash and robes!
The Princeps body is used to add some armor and stylized should pads often depicted within Araby. It is also different enough and not over the top like the Sorcerers, it is a bit more regal and will help tie in this chaps head.
The staff is a tough one. I like what Hagen did with his, and would contrast nicely against the Sorcerer. Then again a scimitar might look cool instead..

Anyways, enough rambling, it's time to build.

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