Sunday, May 20, 2018

Ready for a desk

It has been awhile since I have last posted. So long in fact that the studio has been painted for awhile now! Here it is in all it's glory..

Why a grey room?
There are a ton of articles out there on it, but to sum it up: most painting studios are an 18% Flat Grey, or a grey green (mainly for portraiture life painting). The 18% grey is also used to balance photography levels prior to shooting. In this case the flat grey walls will help reduce light and color reflection. Ideally I would like a grey work surface for mini painting, but with cutting mats etc the surface is irrelevant. My walls are not 18% grey, as it would be much darker. Since the room is so little I didn't want to make it look any smaller with such dark walls, and this is close enough.

If anyone is wondering (note it is darker, light is right above this):
Hopefully I will be able to get my desk set up or at least figured out this week. I am leaning more and more towards a solid core door slab..

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Gutted and Primed

Over the past several days I have managed to gut and prime the room. Painting the ceiling was probably the most tedious part since it's just porous ceiling tiles. While no one would ever notice it, I would always be reminded for not trying to get all the wholes and tile seams painted white when sitting in the room.

As you can see, the old stick down floor tile is nothing special. It's covered in old paint splatter and around the perimeter of the room the tile is busted (not really visible with painters tape down).  This was caused from pulling up the carpet tack strips. I am very thankful they didn't glue down the padding under the carpet to the floor like they did throughout most of the basement! The decision to leave the floor tile is 1) time 2) a larger project for full basement remodel another time and 3) safety, the house was built in 1965 and the mastic used for the tiles is probably cancerous. I have already popped off tile in my first apartment which I probably shouldn't have... I don't want another brush with that again. I also caulked around the floor because I didn't feel like this room needed baseboards, also its a basement and I don't want no creepy crawlers in my space!

Now to tape off the ceiling and trim to get ready for paint.